Cleaning House - Greed

I don’t believe I’ve ever heard someone say, “You know what my problem is? I’m just so greedy!” Greed is one of the most sneaky closet-dwellers because it is often so difficult to see in the mirror. When we boil greed down to its basic form we see that it is unfortunately common to the human experience but, thankfully, God has shown us a way to fight against the current of greed and live a life marked by contentment, generosity and joy.

Discussion Questions


Cleaning House - Anger

Have you ever perfectly cleaned and organized something only to have someone come and mess it up? When our orderly lives are disrupted, and anger invades our otherwise peaceful hearts, it is all too easy for us to say, “Yeah, I’m angry, but it’s clearly their fault!” Over time that anger, when allowed to grow in the dark places of our hearts, turns into bitterness that chokes out some of the most beautiful things in life. Anger can begin to harden our hearts, put a cap on the love we feel for others, and hold us back from taking steps into the future God has for us.

Discussion Questions

"Take Over" by Shane & Shane


Cleaning House - Envy

Whether it’s a few dozen mismatched socks, a box full of receipts from five years ago, or a broken vacuum cleaner that you’ve already replaced, we all have things in our closets that need to hit the road. The same is true of our hearts - they are so easily cluttered with things that hold us back, rob us of our joy and hijack our peace of mind. Let’s get real and drag it all out into the open so we can ask God to point out what he wants us to trash and what He wants us to keep. We can do so with confidence, knowing that He loves us and wants to give us a rich and satisfying life. 

Discussion Questions


Taming the Beast - Bad Blood

In the words of T. Swift: "You know it used to be mad love, but baby now we've got bad blood." Conflicts often start small but can escalate quickly to create painful results, leaving our relationships pained and empty.  A critical element in learning to tame the beast is to discover how we can not just diffuse an argument but reestablish unity in the relationship.

Discussion Questions

The DNA Journey Video


Taming the Beast - Truth & Love

Why do we so often believe we have to choose between being fully honest with someone and maintaining harmony in the relationship? Is it really possible to speak the truth in love? The authors of Crucial Conversations suggest that it is indeed possible to navigate these conversations in a way that allows us to be fully honest AND fully respectful. Learning these skills will lead us all to deeper, healthier relationships, and increased influence in our communities, workplaces and families.

Discussion Questions

Style Under Stress test -


Taming the Beast - Obedience School

James chapter 3 reminds us that even the wildest of animals can be tamed, but the tongue is too wild to control. But Ephesians chapter 4 gives us a practical filter to help us train this wild beast.  Implementing this filter is challenging, but for those of us who want our words to have a positive impact on those around us, it’s worth the effort.

Foundational Scripture: James 3:7-10, Ephesians 4:29

Discussion Questions


Unicorns, Perfect Parents & Other Mythical Creatures - Part Three

In this final episode of the series, Jess and her Mom, along with an adorable surprise guest, talk about the power our words have in our parenting. Join them as they discuss how all communication begins in our hearts, the power of speaking the truth in love, and the value of apologizing to your children.

Foundational Scripture: Luke 6:45, Ephesians 4:15


Do the Next Thing

Do the next thing.jpg

Take this week to catch up on any old episodes you may have missed from the Dig Deep Podcast.  Join Jess again next Tuesday as she explores anxiety and depression, and the important decision that must be made a hundred times a day to simply "do the next thing." 

Do The Next Thing

From an old English parsonage,
Down by the sea,
There came in the twilight,
A message to me;
Its quaint Saxon legend,
Deeply engraven,
Hath, as it seems to me,
Teaching from Heaven.
And on through the hours
The quiet words ring
Like a low inspiration-
"Do the next thing."

Many a questioning, many a fear,
Many a doubt, hath its quieting here.
Moment by moment,
Let down from Heaven,
Time, opportunity,
Guidance, are given.
Fear not tomorrows,
Child of the King, 
Trust them with Jesus,
Do the next thing.

Do it immediately;
Do it with prayer;
Do it reliantly, casting all care;
Do it with reverence,
Tracing His Hand,
Who placed it before thee with
Earnest command.
Stayed on Omnipotence,
Safe 'neath His wing,
Leave all resultings,
Do the next thing.

Looking to Jesus, ever serener,
Working or suffering
Be thy demeanor,
In His dear presence,
The rest of His calm,
The light of His countenance
Be thy psalm,
Strong in His faithfulness,
Praise and sing,
Then, as He beckons thee,
Do the next thing.

- Author unknown